Python Posts - Algoritma Technical Blog


Fafilia Masrofin

14 minute read

Pada postingan Algoritma Technical Blog sebelumnya, Anda mungkin telah membaca tentang Algoritma DBSCAN (Density-based Spatial Clustering of Application with Noise) yang merupakan sebuah algoritma untuk mengelompokkan data (clustering) berbasis kepadatan. DBSCAN sendiri memiliki keunggulan dari metode clustering yang paling umum digunakan yaitu K-Means, dimana DBSCAN tidak akan memasukkan data yang dianggap noise kedalam cluster manapun. Tentunya ini menjadi keuunggulan sendiri mengingat data…

Dyah Nurlita

9 minute read

Have you ever imagine how Netflix give you recommendation for movies you have never watch before? If you’re familiar with machine learning, you can find the answer. Yappps.. that’s right. The answer is “Recommendation System”. Recommendation system or recommender system is subclass of information filtering system that seeks to predict the “rating” or “preference” a user would give to an item. Recommendation system aims to telling us which movies to watch (Netflix), which product to buy…

Iqbal Basyar

10 minute read

In 2018 a paint of Edmond de Belamy made by machine learning (GAN) was sold for $432,500 in online auction, Christie’s. This made Chritie’s the first auction house that sell works created by machine learning. On an unbelievable price. What do you think about this ? Will machine learning help us create arts, or will it kill our creativity?