dplyr - Algoritma Technical Blog


Wulan Andriyani

22 minute read

Function used for take tweet from twitter is search_tweets(). There are several parameter usually used in that function:
- Topic : topic you will find at twitter
- n : how many tweet that you want to take
- include_rts : logical. If FALSE tweet taken didn’t contain retweet
- lang : spesified language. If you want take tweet in english you can add argument lang = “en”
You can use this code below to try taking tweets from twitter by removing the command

Ardhito Utomo

12 minute read

Some data that we obtain from the internet are gained as a raw, means that there are no modifications done to the data except placing it in the right column or row. Even if that’s a good thing, sometimes you have to treat and change the template of the data to be as friendly to reach our objective as possible.